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stevegcole.com Turns One!!!

So today is the day. "A Random Collection of Thoughts" has turned One Year Old. I was about to type that "I can't believe it has been a year already" but honestly, it's felt much longer. I was just sitting at David's the other night discussing this very same thing. It seems we are so quick to say that time flies. While i agree with this statement, these less than 3 years i have been in Chicago have gone by very slowly. I feel like Davey and I have been friends for years and years..and that i have lived in Chicago for a decade. I am the luckiest guy in the world to have the friends that I have in Chicago. And to think that making friends was one of the things I worried about most with leaving Nashville. I was terrified I was going to be lost in a city of this size. It's kinda funny to think about in retrospect. I seldom walk down the street without bumping into someone I know. It makes me think I was meant to be here. I have been thinking about that a lot these past few days. My mother booked a flight this week and is coming to visit me in September. I am so excited for her to see my apartment, the city i live in, my nieghborhood and most importantly to see two of the most special people in my life. My sisters. It is very important to me that my mother knows I am happy. She's good at worrying. Isn't that what mom's do best? Fortunately, I feel confident that by just meeting Cook-a-reta and Betty...she will find comfort i knowing that I've got a little family of my own in the city that has been so good to me.

1 comment:

Jordan said...

[Singing] She-a-washy-nare-taeo ta-ta-ko! [CLAP CLAP] She-a-washy-nare-taeo ta-ta-ko!!!!! [CLAP CLAP] She-a-washy-nare-taeo honna-uel-so-yo She-a-washy-nare-taeo ta-ta-ko! [CLAP CLAP]

WOW! Happy FREAKEN Birthday SGC.COM! As I think back over the year, what an amazing year it has been!

It boggles my mind that you could even WORRY about making friends! You do realize that those ‘people’ you see walking down the street have one of three ‘connections’ to you… They are 1) You served them food/drinks 2) You’ve slept at their place 3) They’ve slept at your place. Taking a look at those three scenarios – they all involve work. STOP WORKING SO MUCH BITCH.

So when momma comes to visit, lets recap what we’ve learned from our prior experiences from her visit… 1) Putting coffee in the microwave is a perfectly acceptable way of reheating it. 2) The Coffee must be brewing 24/7. 3) If a cooked meal involves a carcass of an animal, for the love of good, put it in the freezer until trash day…. And yes… MOMMA KNOWS BEST!