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Those of you who know me well know i'm a huge Big Brother fanatic. Huge is probably an understatement. Unfortunately, Big Brother 9 ruined the show for me. It was by far the worst cast and the twist of the producers pairing everyone as soul mates was BEYOND lame. It was so bad that I had NO DESIRE to watch Big Brother this season. I'm too busy traveling for work anyways. I'm addicted. I'll be honest about that. I put Big Brother in my tivo as a "just in case i have time" to check in. I'LL BE DAMNED!!! I'm addicted. I've only seen 1 weeks worth of the show but I'll make my prediction today so it's in writing. I'm picking you Dan. Don't let me down!


Minerva can't sleep

So i get hit with insomnia all the time. 99.9% of those times...I can't fall asleep or something causes me to wake up spuratically (apparently i don't know how to spell that word) that gets me anxious and I can't fall back asleep. So here I am at 5am Eastern wide awake and have been up doing various things for the past hour. Can we say minerva? the worst part is I have an 8am flight to LGA and then have to drive 2+ hours to the hamptons tonight for a Basil Hayden event. It's going to be a long night. Do y'all care? Mmmmnope. But I can't sleep...so i'm going to make you hear about it.


My luck just keeps getting worse.

This has been one hell of a trip. First I got trapped in an elevator in White Plains, NY and now this. Fortunately I had my camera today....although the elevator would have been classic as the folks started to panic! It was so funny! WHAT'S NEXT?

Stay tuned.



I didn't think people really got stuck in elevators. Sure I knew it's probably happened before but it seems to be only something that happens in the movies. Well just my luck I rushed to get on an elevator this morning as the door was closing only to be trapped on the elevator for over 20 minutes. I was stuck with 2 elderly women and two business men. It was kinda funny to me as we were trying to communicate with the help through the voicebox on the elevator and we couldn't understand each other. So what does the guy do on the elevator? SCREAM louder at her as if that is going to make us more understandable. I'd love to elaborate more but I don't want to be late for my event.

The picture above is of the white plains firemen who came to rescue us. HAHAHA

From White Plains, NY. ~Steve


Gym Twins

Long story short...Jordan and I showed up at the gym together in Southern California and were called out by the gym staff within minutes of entering the gym. "Did you guys plan that outfit?" We didn't. But funny. Here's the pic


What are the odds?

So I was walking down the streets of Brooklyn last week with Misael and was shocked to look up to what I have pictured above. SERIOUSLY? I noticed Pineapple Street first. As I lined up for a picture I noticed the store across the street. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! Pineapple street and a store called Pea's and Pickles all in ONE CAMERA SHOT? Misa thought I was a freak but those of you who know me and my little quirks know this was a big deal. I had to share.


From Minervianapolis

Whew. I'm exhausted but well. This is just a quick post to update those who may be stopping by. Thanks for the goat votes. That was fun. It has remained and even needed a big trim yesterday. I'll keep it for the next couple of weeks as it's growing on me...literally. The picture above is a shot i took while in NYC of me and Misael. I was up there for a work event and instead of flying back Saturday morning I stayed and enjoyed the day in NYC. This was one of the few pictures I took and think it's pretty cool. Currently I'm in Indianapolis and have a 40 minute break. I now have 9 minutes left before my next training and then off to a bourbon dinner. I've been up since 4am as I had to drive here this morning. Tomorrow i'm off to bloomington, indiana and will be back to chicago on wed.

Please god let me make it!!! i'm so tired y'all!


Today is Vain Day

I'm being vain today and asking for opinions of my appearance. Yes...it's true. Today is vain day. So please help me in my decision by leaving comments and tell me....should the goat stay or go?

Ignore the jacked up one eye closed shot and focus on the hair please. BOKAY!

All voting ends at 930pm cst tonight.

I love vain day! Because I love me.


Camping with the boys. BOKAY!

So I realize this isn't the most appealing picture to post but I didn't bring my camera and I haven't stolen Aaron's pictures yet. And nearly 24 hours after returning home, I still can't stop itching all of my mosquito bites. I've been a camper my whole life (well up until I moved to chicago at least) and I don't remember ever being attacked so frequently after drowning myself in insect repellents. But i'm not going to complain. The bugs were the worst part of the trip but I can handle itching for a few days to have all the wonderful memories of this trip.

It was Aaron, Tom, Alan, Don, Rob and myself. Aaron and I arrived first and spent the 1st night alone. Day two momma and Baily arrived. And day 3 Rob, Alan, Don and Maya joined. So much happened i'm not even sure what to tell you. Perhaps I can sum it up with some one-liners below.

Alan has low hangers; Aaron & Steve were the bag champions; Rob & Aaron were somehow separated at birth; Don is the funniest Catch Phrase Clue Giver of All-Time; Bokay was the most used word of the weekend; BBC was the only channel that we could tune in from camp; Honey Brown is dalish; I love domino's; the weather couldn't have been better; Steve & Cherie live in Kenosha; I love the Pick & Save; "Sometimes it's not the poo it's the puddin' "