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Lack of Posts

I've received a few emailed about my lack of postings. It's not that there's nothing going on in my life...it's just I haven't felt like putting things out there. Yes, I can write about useless things but even then...not really feeling it. I could write about my lack of sleep last night. And that what little sleep I did get was spent dreaming about toffee Bars. Anyone want to analyze that one for me? No, there is not a Heath in my life.

So the safe post. Big Brother 9. I picked Jameka to win Big Brother 8 after the first week. I believe she took 3rd place. I wasn't excited about the start of Big Brother 9 and had little expectations. After 2 episodes, I'm intrigued. I will pick and post my projected "winners" after Sundays episode. I can't help but think there is a huge twist that will be revealed a few weeks into the show. I was VERY excited about the first eviction. It was well deserved. As it's still early on eviction night....I won't say who it was. BUT I'm very happy.

I am claiming the following:
Matt: His Boston accent makes me Randy. He has dark features and would treat me like shit. What a dream boat!!!
Alex: He was a total tool in the "intros" but his lips make "MY lips" quiver moooooah yea
Ryan: What a beefy stud. "I do." (Aaron will try to fight me on this one but I have his claim email....he claimed Andy...who is that?)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ummm'ah, I guess if no one is going to claim JoshUAH, I will... I mean, he's really the only claimable one, being the token gay man... Afterall, he did [have to] come out after sleeping with his sisters cheer leading coach, allegedly ruining her career. Which brings me to my next point,I guess he was bad in bed if it ruined her career?