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The Curse of the W

So i've decided the W in NYC is cursed. Actually all of them in NYC are cursed. The last time I stayed at a W in NYC I was sick as a dog. (what does that mean? sick as a dog?) I believe I was up here with Aaron and Tom...I just remember trying to go get coffee with them and then sweating non-stop the entire rest of the trip in bed.

Well not 30 minutes after I checked in this morning. My fever hit. Part of me thought I was just tired and the sweats were coincidental but the thermometer tells me differently. I went to the cheap tkts booth to purchase tickets to a show for tonight but couldn't force myself to wait in a line with the way I was feeling. I thought about going back down there later to see what I could get but I decided sleep was more important. Let's just hope I can make it through tomorrow.

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