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My Get-A-Way to Denver

Here I sit on one of the bumpiest plane rides I’ve been on in a long while in route from Denver back to Chicago. My former roommate Rich flew me out on miles, so sweet, so that I could come visit him and his boyfriend. I could not have asked for a better trip. It was very low-key and relaxing which is exactly what I needed. I had met his boyfriend, Brian, on several occasions but always briefly so I didn’t really know the guy very well upon arrival. He was gracious enough to change his work schedule so that he could pick me up from the airport and then he and I spent my first few hours in Colorado together as Rich was still at work. I can confidently say after getting to know him better that he is SUCH A SWEET GUY and perfect for Rich. I am so happy they found each other. I also met several of their friends as we had people over for dinner last night…all good people.
I would have to say that the highlight of my trip was Rich and my adventure to the Red Rocks. Our hike was a light one that lasted just a couple of hours as we spent our time hiking in and around the Red Rock’s Amphitheatre. It was AWESOME! It was a sight that I have always wanted to see as so many bands I love talk so highly of the space. Now, I just need to find a way to see someone like Dave Matthews, David Gray or Keane there. It’d be pure bliss. Rich and I got a little camera happy and took about 160 pictures between the two of us. You can click on the album cover at the top right corner of my page to view a portion of them. Enjoy!


Today I Feel Pretty!

Ok, so maybe I don't look pretty in the picture above and we know Aaron certainly does not, but I felt this picture best fits the mood I am in at the moment. I left work early last night as we were overstaffed and not busy. I know this is a stupid thing to do as I only have 3 shifts left before we close the door for good. But when I made the decision to leave I promised myself that I would do something good for myself after I got home. And that I did...i got all dressed up and ready to go for a jog on the lakefront. As I was walking out the door the boy called so he ended up joining me.

Chicago is AMAZING. It's kinda hard to believe that in a city this size, you can find such an awesome escape. He and I walked to the lake from his house in Uptown and then jogged towards downtown, sat on the waterfront for a short while and then jogged back home. It's really hard to believe, but we did not come in-contact with ANY PEOPLE the entire run down the lakefront. We did however see 4 raccoons', a few duck and several rodents. An incredibly peaceful and romantic jaunt. (I know you're all puking right now..sorry) We woke up this morning, made breakfast and then I took off to get some stuff done for myself. And on top of all of this, it's finally sunny and mild outside which makes me feel pretty. Oh so pretty!


I am in LOVE with this woman!!!

Alanis Morissette "My Humps" video parody

This is freakin' hilarious!!!

What Does "Minerva" Mean???

So i got a comment from an anonymous person asking.....what does "minerva" mean. Will this person please email me or give me there contact info....i'd love to chat.


vBlog 12Apr07

I swear I didn't mean to say "Ladies and Gentleman" so many times....if I could I would re-record...but that would take the fun out of it. I just pushed record and talked....trying to recreate would take away from the freeness of my thoughts.