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She ruined my Easter.

It appeared as though Jankovic was continuing her streak against Henin this afternoon as she broke out to a 5-1 lead in the first set. "I play my best tennis when my back is up against the wall," said Henin post match. "She was really playing well and I could not get my shots in, but I knew I would come back." Justine's rally comeback was to no surprise today as she has done it time and time again against her rival Jelena.

"She ruined my Easter," said Jankerz. "My whole family was there to see me when and I knew I had her when I started off so strongly. But you can never count Justine out, she's a fighter and showed that here today."

The two have no set matches but we hope to see them again soon.


Anonymous said...

I still think we should change her name from Jankers to Conchita Choker Martinez.

Anonymous said...

Poor Ms. Henin is home sweating tonight over her match with Lindsay Davenport on Wednesday.