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Chicago MPG - Grand Champions!!!

Wow....what a GREAT weekend we had in Milwaukee. Aaron and I arrived on Friday afternoon and met Bob and Tom at the host hotel. The rest of the team showed up during the next couple of hours as we had a few drinks and shot the shit. Round-Robin games started on Saturday morning at 8am. For some reason it seems we always get the 8am draw...I ended up pitching the entire weekend and had a good time with it. It was the first time in MPG history that we've won a tournament. We've gotten good at taking 2nd and 3rd....but never 1st. We went undefeated in bracket play and faced Toronto in the Championship game to finish the tournament.....we owed it all to one thing.....LUCKY SOCKS.....see the entry below for more....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You beat the Canadians?!?! Damn, I haven't beat'n a Canadian in... well almost two years..........Steve you were there. Infact, I remember a gigantic stuffed crab, one-time use lube packet and a single rubber.... All of which were props of Mr Canadian beater.... Coincidence? I think not.