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I'm thankful...

That was then...

There was one Thanksgiving in college where I nearly lost my life...and ever since I have stated on thanksgiving day that I am thankful to be alive. I AM thankful to be alive...but I am also very thankful for my family. I hear so many people talk poorly about their families. I don't think I talk about my family enough. Yes, it wasn't the perfect family but I'm not sure there is such a thing. But they are definitely a loving family who will ALWAYS be there for me. And for that, I am greatful. I had such a good time with my family this Thanksgiving and I look forward to all of the holidays to come. The picture below is from this past week. Unfortunately, my sister Sharron wasn't able to make it so I photo-shopped a 10-year old picture of her into the photo. I LOVE YOU GUYS!

And this is now...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a great picture. right out of That 70's Show. glad you had a great Thanksgiving.