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Tis the Season

It's kinda crazy how quickly this year is moving by. There has been so much change in my life, yet so much has remained the same. For the first time in many many years, I'm looking forward to the winter season. I know I'll take these words back come mid February, but for now, it's the way I feel. And I'm kinda liking it.

My apologies for those few who of you who actually log on here to see what's going on in my life for not posting more. I've been in a bit of a funk lately and while I've had some really good ideas to write about....when the time comes to sit down and write them, i've been unmotivated. I was hoping my Germany trip would help defunktify me but unfortunately it was only a quick escape. I know Aaron is reading too much into this entry right now. I'm not depressed pineapple...i'm just forcing myself to write something. Hopefully the next entry will come more naturally.

Here is to the holiday season and hopefully an exciting winter season.


Anonymous said...

Go to Walgreens and buy some Nature's Bounty Double Strength Omega-3/Omega-6 Fish Oil and take 2 caps in the AM and 2 in the pm. Generally, they go on sale every 3 weeks. You cacn get two bottles for the price of one for $13.99 or so. Take thru the winter. Voila!! Also, exercise daily. Between the Omega-3s and daily exercise your mood will likely improve. Also, if you can do it - find your spiritual center. OK? Thanks. XOXOX.

Anonymous said...

That picture! It's your old house, right? My word honey, it looks like a little holiday scene from heaven. I love it. You used to love the holidays...you still do, you just need an escape...maybe Asheville? It sure is purty down here in the winter time, just like your mouth, boy. ~ love

froggymork said...

what house is that? It does look like something on a Xmas greeting card. Is it in Sioux City? I didn't think the snow was ever so white and pristine here. Just slushy and cold.