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Cubs Win!

I have to admit and say it's been really hard for me to believe in the cubs this year. 2003 sorta tainted me. They had a rough start this season but since the All-Star break they have really turned it on. For awhile they were the best team in MLB. But kind of like when they get the lead in a game they've loosened up and only have a 1 game lead on the Brewers. 0 if they lose.

My allergies and a cold combination have me feeling really sick so I gave my ticket to tonights game up. While i'm still glad I stayed in and rested....WOW WHAT A GAME!!! The cubs jumped to a quick lead but lost it just as quickly. Everytime they started to get momentum or they were about to score....something would happen to prevent them from scoring. i curled up under the covers and kept praying they would win. During the cubs game the Brewers win 5-0 to put pressure on the cubbies to get the W so they can keep soul possesion of 1st place in the central division. With only two weeks left in the season I am starting to get ridiculously excited about the post season. I haven't let myself completely believe since i was heart broken in the never to be forgotten 2003 season. Could this really be the year? I'm actually going to say it....I believe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Me too. I believe. Ok wait, I don't want to commit to believing, thats too much for me right now, I'm not in "that place", but I will say that I hope...and hope always floats.